Intentional Thought

The Gift Within Challenges

  I believe our life experiences follow a spiral pattern.  Over our whole lifetime we regularly revisit our...
Change Your Money Mindset And Beliefs

Change Your Money Mindset And Beliefs

  While we tend to think of wealth and poverty as being totally different to each other, they actually share a...

Busy-ness and Stress

  Many people treat ‪‎stress like a badge of honour. - "I’m stressed out so that means I’m working hard, and I’m...
Honour Others Through Courtesy

Honour Others Through Courtesy

By Kim Adele   Listen twice as much as you speak!   A wise old saying. When do you need to listen more?   If...

Is Your Life In Balance? Take The Quiz

If trying to maintain balance in your life makes you feel like a tightrope walker, you’re not alone.  Most of us have...

21 Ways To Manage Stress

Everyone has a 'stress threshold', which is the point where stress becomes overwhelming.  This point is different for...

Feeling Lost

  Give yourself permission to NOT feel motivated all the time. We all feel lost sometimes.  Recognise when you...

The Pathway to Social Sustainability

  We are living in an evolutionary time of initiation which many are aware carries the potential to reclaim our...

Dig Deep Into Your Stress Levels

  Are You Stressed?   We are at a point in history where everyone is stressed. Many people don't often think...

CHOOSE Your Reality

  We create our reality by choosing our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.  For that reason, when we have bad days...
Feeling Lost

Feeling Lost

  Give yourself permission to NOT feel motivated all the time. We all feel lost sometimes.  Recognise when you...

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Words Matter!

Words Matter!

  Paying attention to what we say and the words we use give us vital clues into identifying our limiting belief...

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