“On the path of transformation, you must be willing to give up your false beliefs
and self-limiting stories.”
Heather Ash Amara


When you’ve finally had enough and can draw on the courage to step away and examine the stories you tell yourself and the beliefs you have carried throughout your life with eyes of detached awareness, suddenly the stories and beliefs lose their power over you.

They may even start to seem absurd, and you’ll begin to wonder how you could possibly have clung to them for such a long time.  You’ll wonder how you never questioned their validity; how you blindly accepted them; how they don’t reflect the values you have chosen for yourself.

When you become aware and question your beliefs, and don’t get dragged back into the emotion that surrounds them.  You can move on, leaving them to drop away, no longer required.

And as you release them you are filled with a glorious lightness you have never known.