The Phases Of The Moon

The Phases Of The Moon

Does the Moon sing to you? Do you feel a really strong Lunar connection? Are you irresistibly drawn to sit out under the Full Moon drinking in the silvery light?   Many people feel a synchronicity with Lunar energy.  For some that connection is strongest when the...
Solstice: A Potent Portal

Solstice: A Potent Portal

  Tonight is Solstice – Winter Solstice in the Southern hemisphere and Summer Solstice in the Northern.  With Solstice comes a thinning of the veil between Spirit and Matter. Just as the natural world responds to the energy and light at Solstice, we too can...
Create Ritual With The New Moon

Create Ritual With The New Moon

  Through the ages ritual was always an important component of life.  But as life’s become faster with less time to spare ritual no longer plays a regular role in our lives.  While many important traditional rituals are no longer practiced, re-introducing ritual...