What IS Intuition?

What IS Intuition?

  What exactly IS Intuition?   Intuition is finally being seen as a valid tool for creating success.  When a billionaire or two (think Steve Jobs and Richard Branson) start to talk about intuition then it’s ‘game on’.  And that’s...
Can You Recognise Your Intuition?

Can You Recognise Your Intuition?

  Can you recognise your intuition?   Are you familiar with its voice when it whispers guidance?  Always? All emotions cause a signature feeling in your body.  Intuitive messages also create their own feeling.  When you learn to recognise and differentiate...
Intuition Is Higher Intelligence

Intuition Is Higher Intelligence

  Intuition is an expanded intelligence, and our ability to use this together with perception allows us to find solutions to problems we might be having in any area of our life.  When it serves us we’re able to come up with innovative new ideas that nobody’s ever...