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WGW Content Library


Change Your Money Mindset And Beliefs

  While we tend to think of wealth and poverty as being totally different to each other, they actually share a very close bond. Poverty and wealth are really just two polarising points of the same thought form of “money”.  If we continue to think of them as...

Dig Deep Into Your Stress Levels

  Are You Stressed?   We are at a point in history where everyone is stressed. Many people don't often think about stress because they consider they have a normal amount of stress.  They know they have a lot of stress in their life but they consider they...

Living With The Seasons: Winter Health

  During covid many clients asked about what they could do themselves to fortify their immune system as a self-protective measure.  And while some of my suggestions were specific to emotional issues they faced at the time such as fear, loneliness and sadness, my...


Your 3D Experience Is A Mirror

  "When you understand projection you will never see the world the same way again.  In this holographic world, everyone and everything is a...

Are You A Stress Addict?

  Most people are stressed.  However, being present and watching out for the warning signs in your body can help you defuse stress before it...

We Cannot Hate Our Bodies To Health

  We cannot hate our bodies to health.  True change begins with self-love and self-care, and knowing that no matter how your body feels, you...

Greater Intuition With The New Moon

  "Intuition is an innate and universal biological and energetic function that can be used like a human GPS system to guide us toward effective...

Restore Calm and Peace

  There are days when you feel it’s just not your day, and that everything is going wrong.  The more you try, the worse the situation becomes....

12 Tips For Winter Wellness

Support your immune system and stay well this winter. Winter has arrived with a vengeance, bringing with it winter colds and coughs. These simple...

Frustrated And Feeling Stuck

  Whenever you feel stuck you are getting a clear sign from the Universe (your soul) that by not exercising your power of choice you have given...

Bring Nature In

  Too cold and wet to walk in nature?  Bring the green indoors! Placing a plant or two around your home and workspace keeps the air clean and...

Choose Differently

  One of THE MOST POWERFUL TOOLS we have is our ability to CHOOSE. Despite what the New Age tells us, the Universe will NOT randomly direct our...

Solstice: A Potent Portal

  Tonight is Solstice - Winter Solstice in the Southern hemisphere and Summer Solstice in the Northern.  With Solstice comes a thinning of the...

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Doorway to your I

Metaphysical Toolkit

Refine mystical awareness; reclaim your power; refine your vibration; stillness & peace; cutting ties, ritual, connection to the Earth; grounding

Doorway to your I


Practices and processes to deepen meditation and mindfulness practice such as breathwork, awareness, dance,

Trust Intuition

Recognising, strengthening and developing intuition

Intentional Thought

Reprogramming limiting thoughts and old beliefs; courage; perception and perspective; self-talk;

Doorway to your I

Holistic Health And Wellness

Natural health; nutrition; sleep; dealing with stress; all things holistic health related

Self Care

Nurturing practices; boundaries; self-love; self-respect; honouring your needs

Doorway to your I

Natural Cycles

The seasons; Lunar lore (full moon/new moon); Solstice and Equinox; astrology and zodiac; numerology 


Symbols; stories; crystals; random content; recipes; joy; life’s magic; surprises

Soul Empowered Creative

Creativity; ‘how-to’s’; practical stuff; crafts, art; develop and nurture your inner creative


Inspiration; quotes; wise words

Sacred Home

Everything related to the home; natural products; feng shui; altars, smudging; plants

Magical Moments

Happiness, bliss, joy, creating life’s magical moments

Featured Contributor

Catherine Bullard

Founder, Woman Get Wise
and Nadurra Wellness

Pick of the Week


Change Your Money Mindset And Beliefs

  While we tend to think of wealth and poverty as being totally different to each other, they actually share a very close bond. Poverty and wealth are really just two polarising points of the same thought form of “money”.  If we continue to think of them as...