by Catherine | 24, Dec 2024 | Intentional Thinking, Serendipity
Do you buy beautiful things and then save them for special occasions? And what happens to them? Chances are, they get tucked away in the back of a cupboard somewhere, rarely used. Or even never used, completely forgotten until you uncover them years...
by Catherine | 21, Dec 2024 | Natural Cycles, Serendipity
In the Southern hemisphere, last night was Midsummers Night Eve and today is the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year and the turning point in the yearly cycle as we celebrate the Light. Summer Solstice is a time of warmth and joy, a time...
by Catherine | 31, Aug 2024 | Natural Cycles, Serendipity
We have come to the end of Winter and now begin to move into Spring, a time of expansion and growth. Winter is a time to withdraw from the busy world to go deep within. It is quiet a time of incubation where our dreams, our thoughts, our plans can settle and...
by Catherine | 17, Aug 2024 | Inspiration, Serendipity
Courage is one of the major qualities that separate the few who achieve their goals and dreams and live an inspired life, from the many that don’t. The courage to act on the guidance of your soul opens you to greater possibilities, potentials and...
by Catherine | 4, Jul 2024 | Inspiration, Serendipity
There are days when you feel it’s just not your day, and that everything is going wrong. The more you try, the worse the situation becomes. Everyone has days like that. That’s when it’s time to stop everything, go home, and to take refuge in yourself....
by Catherine | 30, Mar 2024 | Inspiration, Serendipity
🔑 Make time every day to quiet your mind. Spending time in awareness in the place of stillness is one of the most powerful tools to restore balance. 🔑 Support your self to wholeness by eating a healthy diet, loaded with antioxidant rich foods – superfoods, and...