What Do You Yearn For, Deep In Your Heart?

What Do You Yearn For, Deep In Your Heart?

  We all yearn for many things, but in essence, what we truly seek is love and acceptance.   Often we seek these things in the outside world through our career, other people, how we look, or public recognition.  We desperately hope that someone will finally...
We Cannot Hate Our Bodies To Health

We Cannot Hate Our Bodies To Health

  We cannot hate our bodies to health.  True change begins with self-love and self-care, and knowing that no matter how your body feels, you will be there to love and support it.  Constant criticism doesn’t create an environment where your body can thrive. While...
A Self-Love Manifesto

A Self-Love Manifesto

  self-love:    (self-ˈlÉ™v)  a, an appreciation of one’s own worth or virtue; proper regard for and attention to one’s own happiness or well-being manifesto:   (mænɪˈfÉ›stəʊ)  n, a written public declaration of intentions, opinions, or purposes of its...
Restore Calm and Peace

Restore Calm and Peace

  There are days when you feel it’s just not your day, and that everything is going wrong.  The more you try, the worse the situation becomes. Everyone has days like that.  That’s when it’s time to stop everything, go home, and to take refuge in yourself....