Your 3D Experience Is A Mirror

Your 3D Experience Is A Mirror

  “When you understand projection you will never see the world the same way again.  In this holographic world, everyone and everything is a mirror, and you are always seeing yourself and talking to yourself.  If you choose, you can now look at what...
Are You A Stress Addict?

Are You A Stress Addict?

  Most people are stressed.  However, being present and watching out for the warning signs in your body can help you defuse stress before it gets way out of hand. These strategies will help reduce the impact your stress has on you and help you get through.  Be...
The Phases Of The Moon

The Phases Of The Moon

Does the Moon sing to you? Do you feel a really strong Lunar connection? Are you irresistibly drawn to sit out under the Full Moon drinking in the silvery light?   Many people feel a synchronicity with Lunar energy.  For some that connection is strongest when the...
How Happy Are You?

How Happy Are You?

Are you a happy person? Happiness is a matter of choice — not just luck. Some people have a natural pre-disposition that fosters happiness.  Developing awareness of how you respond to emotional triggers can help you break apart limiting beliefs that keep you...
Frustrated And Feeling Stuck

Frustrated And Feeling Stuck

  Whenever you feel stuck you are getting a clear sign from the Universe (your soul) that by not exercising your power of choice you have given away your personal power. Ask yourself whether you are waiting around for ‘the universe to give you a sign’. Understand...