Courage is one of the major qualities that separate the few who achieve their goals and dreams and live an inspired life, from the many that don’t.

The courage to act on the guidance of your soul opens you to greater possibilities, potentials and resources.

Fear is what stops you from acting on your soul’s guidance and following your dreams.


The 5 fears that stop you from pursuing your dreams are:

  1. Fear of not surviving financially
  2. Fear of not knowing enough
  3. Fear of not having skills and abilities
  4. Fear of failure
  5. Fear of rejection

Everyone feels fear.  Fear is not necessarily a problem.  Letting your fears prevent you from following your dreams is, however.  Do not let your fears run you.

When you follow your dreams despite your fear, your fear subsides and ultimately dissolves.

If you allow your fear to prevent you from following your dreams your fear increases and solidifies.