Journalling provides you with an opportunity to reconnect with your inner self. It can also be a powerful tool to gently explore deep and intense emotions. As you get in touch with your emotions more deeply and profoundly it can lead you to find greater peace of mind.

A journal is not a diary, it’s far more than a log of the day’s events. Journals invite you to reflect on themes within yourself and your life. They can help you organise your thoughts when feeling confused, to untangle emotions, examine your values, question your beliefs and ask yourself how you can change your life and yourself for the better.

This list of journalling prompts will provide you with a focus on which to reflect. Use them once or twice a week or as often as you wish to learn more about yourself and elicit positive change.




  1. What’s working in your life right now? What needs change or improvement?
  2. How have you changed in the past five years?
  3. What has the last year taught you? How have you changed your thoughts, beliefs and actions as a result?
  4. If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would it be? Why?
  5. Imagine the kind of world you would love to live in. What is it like?
  6. What do you hope for the next generation? What lesson would you like to pass on?
  7. What do you want most for your children (or future children) to learn from you? What qualities would you love to pass on?
  8. In your wildest dreams, what would you like your life to be like five years from now?
  9. What is a big dream that you sometimes feel scared to say out loud?
  10. What is something you’d do if you weren’t so afraid of it?
  11. What would your perfect day look like?
  12. What’s a goal you want to accomplish and why?
  13. Do your goals reflect your dreams and desires, or do they come from someone else? If not, how would you like to change them?
  14. What does success mean to you? What would you do if you knew you could not fail?
  15. If you could become an expert in any subject or activity, what would it be?
  16. What do you want your legacy to be?
  17. Finish this sentence: “I couldn’t imagine living without…..”
  18. A space in my home that makes me feel happy is… Why?
  19. What does your dream life look like?
  20. What feelings come up when you think about your desire for money?
  21. What did your parents teach you about money? What are some beliefs you have about money?
  22. What does financial freedom mean to you?
  23. What is your biggest challenge with managing money? What step can you take to change that?
  24. Finish this sentence: “I am grateful for money because_________.”
  25. What do you wish you had more time for?
  26. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
  27. What is the most life-changing book you’ve ever read and why?
  28. What are you putting off currently, and why?
  29. When was the last time you felt most alive?
  30. What are some recent victories you can celebrate? What can you do today that you didn’t think you could do a year ago?
  31. What would you do today if there was no tomorrow?
  32. How is your relationship with social media? How could you improve this?
  33. How do you define success? How will you know when you achieve it?
  34. What is the top priority in your life right now?
  35. What is the most important lesson you’ve learned this year



  1. What values do you consider the most important in life? How do your actions align with those values?
  2. How could you change to live in alignment with the values and qualities you value the most?
  3. What makes you unique? How can you use this uniqueness more in your life?
  4. Describe yourself in 10 words or less.
  5. What do others admire about you? What do you admire about yourself?
  6. What’s something you’re really proud of and why?
  7. What would you like to ask your future self?
  8. What do most look forward to in the future?
  9. What is something challenging that you’ve recently overcome? How has it changed you?
  10. What do you appreciate most about yourself? What do find most difficult to accept about your personality?



  1. What is your favourite childhood memory? Your favourite memory ever?
  2. If you could talk to your younger self, what is the one thing you would say?
  3. Describe the most unforgettable moment in your life.
  4. Describe a significant moment in your past that helped shape who you have become.
  5. Write a letter of gratitude to yourself for looking after your own wellbeing.
  6. Reflect on a time when you didn’t care for your wellbeing and write about all the positive changes you’ve since made in your life.
  7. What did you love to do as a child? How can you bring more of that into your life?
  8. How does nostalgia make you feel?
  9. How would your life be different if you stopped living so much in the past?
  10. If you could erase one thing from the past, what would it be and why?
  11. Finish this sentence: “Nobody knows that I…”
  12. What surprised you the most in life? What turned out exactly as you thought it would?
  13. What new opportunities have come out of challenges you’ve faced?
  14. What was the most challenging thing you’ve ever had to overcome? How did you do it?
  15. What are the three most “insignificant” things in your life that you are grateful for?
  16. Describe one or two significant life events. How have they helped shape you?
  17. What are you most proud of in your life so far?
  18. What was the hardest thing you’ve ever gone through? What did you learn from it?



  1. Who is someone you’d like to treat better? How would you treat them?
  2. Who is your favourite person to talk to? Who can you always turn to, no matter what? Why?
  3. Who inspires you most in life? What is it about them that inspires you?
  4. Make a list of all the people in your life who make up your support system. What kind of support does each person offer you?
  5. Who has really impacted your life? How?
  6. Who are three people you feel lucky to have in your life? Why?
  7. What qualities do you value most in relationships?
  8. What strengths do you bring to your relationships?
  9. How can you support and appreciate your loved ones better?



  1. What do you imagine or believe self-love feels like?
  2. What would a person who loves themself do for themself? How do you practice self-acceptance?
  3. Describe yourself with the first five words that spring to mind. Then list five words you’d like to use to describe yourself. How could you transform these into reality?
  4. List five things you dislike about yourself. How can you rephrase them to become an opposite belief? Example: I hate my thighs to I love my thighs because they allow me to walk.
  5. What is something you wish someone else would tell you? How can you tell yourself that more often?
  6. What are your talents? What are you proud of yourself for? What’s something that you’re really good at?
  7. Where in your life do you have feelings of unworthiness of your own love?
  8. What do you struggle to love most about yourself, the part you most want to change? What can you do to begin to accept and love that part of yourself?
  9. What are the five things that you currently accept about yourself?
  10. What does unconditional love look like for you? How do you show love to others? And to yourself? Is there a difference?
  11. How can you be kinder to yourself this week?
  12. What do your friends love most about you? What would you like others to know about you?
  13. Write the words you need to hear today.
  14. Which acts of self care truly make you happy? Which self-care rituals serve you the most?
  15. What is your love language? What role has that played in your relationships?
  16. Are you good at receiving compliments? Why or why not? How do compliments make you feel?
  17. Are you good at setting boundaries? Why or why not?



  1. What do you notice about yourself when you’re nearing burnout?
  2. What is causing you stress right now?
  3. What makes you feel calm? What makes you feel in control?
  4. How do you know when you have reached your limits?
  5. What helps you slow down and feel more present?
  6. How do you calm your nerves in a difficult situation? What are some new techniques that might help?
  7. What are some healthy ways that you deal with stress?
  8. Are you getting enough sleep? If not, why? How could you change this?
  9. What have you been ignoring that you should probably give some attention to today?
  10. When do you trust yourself? When do you find this difficult?
  11. Does your work overwhelm or drain you? In what ways/ How could you change this?



  1. How do you recharge? What new ways could you use to recharge?
  2. How do you set and protect your boundaries? Make a list of everything you’d like to say “no” to. How many of these are you currently doing?
  3. Make a list of everything you’d like to say yes to. How many of these are you currently doing?
  4. How do you ask for help or support when you need it?
  5. How do you practice self-love and self-kindness?
  6. How do you avoid absorbing someone else’s emotions and stress? How could you protect yourself?
  7. What have you done lately just for you?
  8. How do you remind yourself that you’re enough? List three new ways you can do this.
  9. What can you do to add more flow and relaxation to your day?
  10. In what way have you supported a friend recently? How can you do the same for yourself?
  11. Write down the obstacles you face for practicing self-care daily. How can you overcome at least one of them?
  12. What boundaries do you need to set for yourself to safeguard your wellbeing? What’s a new healthy boundary you could set this week?
  13. What’s a commitment you can make to yourself to show yourself love every day?
  14. How do you treat people that you love? How can you treat yourself the same?
  15. Who inspires you? What is it about them that you love? How can you be just as inspiring to yourself?
  16. Where in your life can you stop playing the victim and instead play the victor?
  17. Are you holding onto something that you need to let go of? Describe what you need to release.
  18. What personal needs are you sacrificing to meet the needs of others?
  19. If you could ask for help with one thing today, what would it be?
  20. What do you need to forgive yourself for?
  21. What habits do you have that keep you comparing yourself to others? How can you let these habits go?
  22. What activities, habits or people make you feel unhappy? Can you let them go? If not, how can you protect yourself from them?
  23. What do you judge yourself for? How can you let go of that judgment?
  24. How do you put yourself first without feeling guilty?
  25. Who is someone that you need to forgive? What’s stopping you?
  26. What is one adjustment you’d like to make to your morning routine? To your evening routine?
  27. What are 3 things that you’re currently doing that no longer serve you? How can you stop doing these things?
  28. What’s one new positive habit you can make in your daily life?
  29. When is the best time in your day to practice self-care?
  30. What is one thing you can do today that will make you feel great?




  1. What makes you happy? Make a list of thirty things that make you smile.
  2. What makes you feel powerful?
  3. How can you show yourself more love? Give yourself a sincere compliment now.
  4. What does unconditional love look like for you?
  5. What personal needs are you sacrificing to meet the needs of others?
  6. How do you put yourself first without feeling guilty?
  7. How do you set boundaries and avoid taking on someone else’s emotions and stress?
  8. What challenging thoughts or emotions come up most frequently for you?
  9. What helps you recharge when you’re feeling down?
  10. What are three self-defeating thoughts that show up in your self-talk? How can you reframe them to encourage yourself instead?
  11. What areas of your life cause sadness, frustration or stress? How could you change those?
  12. What gets you through your darkest moments?
  13. How does fear show up in your life?
  14. What do you fear the most? Have your fears changed throughout your life? What scares you the most at the moment?
  15. What strategies help you get through the worst times?
  16. How do you share your feelings with the people who care about you?
  17. How do you swap envy for joy when other people accomplish things?
  18. When do you feel the most energised and alive?
  19. What’s your proudest accomplishment?
  20. What are three personal beliefs that you are ready to reconsider?
  21. How do you practice self-acceptance?



  1. How do you embrace your authentic self, even if it looks different from what others expect?
  2. Right now, what do you need most to heal?
  3. What do you need to forgive yourself for?
  4. A mantra you’d like to live by is…
  5. What are three strategies you use to boost mindfulness in your life? What are three more you could introduce?
  6. What would you do if you loved yourself unconditionally? How would you treat yourself? How can you start doing that now?
  7. What are your values? Are you living in alignment with them?  What can you change to make this happen?
  8. How do you savour the time you get alone?
  9. Write a letter to yourself from the future version of you. Tell yourself what’s awesome in your life.
  10. What are you most grateful for right now?
  11. Write a letter to yourself from your Highest Self who knows that everything is working out for you. What would it say to you?
  12. When does your life feel like magic?
  13. How do you maintain balance in life?
  14. Are your actions out of alignment with how you want to feel and live? How?
  15. Are you influenced by the critical voice inside your head? What could you do to shut down this inner voice?
  16. Do you recognise your intuition? Do you trust it? Do you follow your instincts? If not, how can you change that?
  17. What are some ways you would like to develop your intuition?
  18. What is your favorite creative activity? Why? When was the last time you did it?
  19. What are you currently manifesting the most?
  20. List the ten things that motivate or inspire you the most.
  21. Where do you feel most at peace? Describe it through all five of your senses.



  1. What inspires you right now?
  2. What wild and crazy thing would you like to try?
  3. What have you learned today?
  4. How can you step outside your comfort zone to grow?
  5. How do you stay focused and steer clear of distractions?
  6. What limiting beliefs and thought patterns are holding you back right now? Which would you like to change first? Why?
  7. Consider your mindset. Is it serving you? How can you make a shift if it isn’t working for you?
  8. What are some words that you live by?
  9. What is a needless negative thought that keeps coming up?
  10. What distractions do you always fall prey to?
  11. How well do you deal with criticism? How do you react to criticism?
  12. Do you value your intelligence or do you rely on other people to make your decisions for you?
  13. What does heroic mean to you? Who are your biggest heroes?
  14. Are you overly critical of other people?
  15. Do you find your self-worth from yourself, or do you base it on the opinions of others? How could you change this?
  16. What are three strategies that help you maintain your daily routines?



  1. Finish this sentence: “I feel most energised when…”
  2. How can you honour your body today?
  3. What’s your favourite physical feature? Why?
  4. What does bedtime look and feel like? Is there anything you can change for a more restful night’s sleep?
  5. How do you take care of your body, as well as your mental and emotional needs?
  6. How could you move your body more to keep it supple and healthy?
  7. How well do you respond to your body’s messages, such as through pain? How could you change this?
  8. Do you nourish your body with wholesome food? What five changes can you make now to improve this?
  9. List three things you love about your body.



  1. What is something you’d like to change? List three actions to take to create that change.
  2. If you could make a living doing anything, what would it be?
  3. If you had one extra hour of free time a day, how would you use it?