Holistic Health And Wellness
How’s Your Post-Winter Vitamin D Level?
In between the recent rain we've had a few gorgeous sunny winter days. But in spite of that your vitamin D...
Gently Release Stress
Gently release the underlying cause of stress, struggle and overwhelm through these five areas of practice: ✥ ...
Health – More Than Food!
The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of...
Slow Down
Our body is a barometer for how well we have been loving ourselves. Since many of us grew up watching our...
Breathe Deep For Calm
We’ve become so used to stress-filled lives that most of us have come to accept it as completely normal. But...
Quick Tip for Winter Wellness
It’s easy to become dehydrated in winter because you haven’t drunk enough water. Your body then has to work...
How Anxiety May Look. . .
Anxiety is not just being worried Anxiety may look like: Mindfulness...