Magical Moments
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Renew With Nature
When we’re lost in the concrete and steel of the cities that we call home, we often lose sight of the absolute...
Disconnect And Re-Centre
At times you need to disconnect and create a bubble around yourself for a short while, just to give yourself...
How To Find Peace
You cannot find peace by avoiding life. Life spins with unexpected changes every hour. So instead of avoiding...
With Awareness Reality Shifts
“Breathing with awareness, peace comes naturally…Just by practicing awareness of your breathing, the person you...
Love Yourself More
Love Yourself More. Schedule time for you Get organised Feed yourself great food Stop worrying, it only creates...
Spring Abundance and Growth
“Spring is the season of potential; new buds and tender shoots invite us to open ourselves to faith in...
Mindfulness In This Present Moment
When you increase your awareness, you increase your ability to be present in the moment, when you’re present in...
The Present Moment
Sometimes we get so caught up in what’s happened in the past… And so overwhelmed with what ‘might’ happen in...
Enjoy Each Moment
Breathe. If you feel overwhelmed about something coming up, or caught up in something that already happened,...
On Change
The greatest change seems to happen When we stop trying to change And sink creatively into the mystery of the...