Magical Moments

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Push Through Challenges With Grounding

  When we face times of transition – such as divorce, retrenchment or retirement, menopause or perimenopause, our...

Full Moon & Partial Lunar Eclipse

  Today’s Full Moon in Taurus may seem intensive as it is accompanied by a partial Lunar Eclipse.  Eclipses are...

The Scourge Of Indecision

  Are you someone who has difficulty making decisions?   It’s easy to become stuck if you allow yourself to...

Your 3D Experience Is A Mirror

  "When you understand projection you will never see the world the same way again.  In this holographic world,...

Stop Trying To “Let Go’

  If you feel sad, or afraid, or feel a tension in your body, just for a moment, stop trying to 'let go'. Forget...

Frustrated And Feeling Stuck

  Whenever you feel stuck you are getting a clear sign from the Universe (your soul) that by not exercising your...

The Rollercoaster

  Life is amazing.  And then it's awful.  And then it's amazing again.  And in between the amazing and the awful...

Stop Comparing Yourself

  Look at all your qualities and abilities, without comparing them to those of anyone else, and without judging...

A Day Of Beautiful Opportunity

  New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus   This beautiful celestial event a couple of hours ago brings us a...
On Change

On Change

  The greatest change seems to happen When we stop trying to change And sink creatively into the mystery of the...

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