Conscious self-care is not about the indulgent practices we love, but only do occasionally.  It’s about the small everyday practices – rituals if you like – that you can do as a part of your daily routine, that leave you feeling good.

They’re the things you WANT to do, because they nourish you and change the way you interact with the world.  Because they make you feel so good you’re willing to commit the time to fit them into your day.


Self-Care is very personal and individual.  What grounds and energises me won’t do the same for you.  For you it may be journaling before you go to sleep.  It could be taking the dog for a walk in the early morning. It might be scheduling a gap in the afternoon to sit in a sunny spot with a cup of tea.  Or it may be a soak in the tub, or even a nap.  Self-Care rituals look different for every person.

The important thing about them is that they’re a regular part of your day and they make you feel good.


Find lots more about Conscious Self-Care in the Self Care Category