
Bathe With Himalayan Salt Crystals

  Bathe with Himalayan Salt Crystals. You will feel fabulous after a bath with Himalayan salt crystals! ...

In Harmony

  "You are only afraid if you are not in harmony with yourself. People are afraid because they have never owned...

A Lack of Boundaries Invites a Lack of Respect

  A lack of boundaries invites a lack of respect.   You can’t care for yourself properly when others walk...

New Year, New Potential

  “We spend January 1st walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to...

Trust, And Spread Your Wings

  I have come to accept the feeling of not knowing where I am going. And I have trained myself to love it....

Spring Abundance and Growth

  “Spring is the season of potential; new buds and tender shoots invite us to open ourselves to faith in...

The Rollercoaster

  Life is amazing.  And then it's awful.  And then it's amazing again.  And in between the amazing and the awful...


  “Experience life in all possible ways – good, bad, bitter-sweet, dark, light, summer, winter. Experience all...

The Power of Awareness

  With the alchemist’s tool of awareness we can open up to information that presents to guide us. We do this...

Quick Tip for Winter Wellness

  It’s easy to become dehydrated in winter because you haven’t drunk enough water.  Your body then has to work...
Spring Detox

Spring Detox

  With Spring in full bloom and only weeks to summer it’s time to consider a gentle detox. To detox properly you...

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  Now Spring's arrived we're in the middle of hay fever season and you may already be suffering.  In my...

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