Holistic Health And Wellness

Create A Perfumed Healing Garden

  For all my adult life I’ve wrestled over which is stronger - my longing to create a perfumed garden or my...

The Key To Enjoy Life

  Most of us assume we have our stress under control, so we think it’s completely normal to feel stressed. In...

Gently Release Stress

  Gently release the underlying cause of stress, struggle and overwhelm through these five areas of practice: ✥ ...

Is Your Life In Balance? Take The Quiz

If trying to maintain balance in your life makes you feel like a tightrope walker, you’re not alone.  Most of us have...

Warm Lemon Lime Water To Kickstart Your day

  Keeping well hydrated is really important. Most people try to drink enough water. But most are not aware of how...

Spring Bingo

Can you score BINGO! this Spring? Cross off each tile as you complete the action.  

Sensory Stress Relief For Grounding

  Does this sound familiar? You have realised your life is really stressful and more often than not you’re close...

Daylight Savings and Your Pineal Gland

  In the Southern Hemisphere Spring is in full flight in all her glory. Energetically Spring is a powerful time...

Breathing Into The Wisdom Of The New Earth

  At some time we’ve all experienced how connecting with nature reinvigorates us and makes us feel newly alive. ...

Tight Bound Meditation To Release Stress

  It seems that we’re constantly experiencing greater and greater levels of stress.  We’re all feeling more...


  Now Spring's arrived we're in the middle of hay fever season and you may already be suffering.  In my...

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Detox For Spring

Detox For Spring

  As the seasons turn and Winter transforms into Spring the energy of renewal and rebirth surrounding us moves us...

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