As we immerse ourselves in another Holiday Season under covid you may be wondering how you can reduce the increased stress it brings. After last year we know how the limitations we experience in our current world can make this season even more stressful than normal. And we also now know the cost of not attending to our mental wellbeing before it overwhelms us.
There has been SO much upheaval for everyone and this year our celebrations may again look very, very different to those traditional ones of our past. While lockdowns are over in many places they’re still coming and going in others. For many it means yet another year where they’re unable to celebrate with those they love. For others it means little chance of attending office parties, or Christmas drinks or family reunions. Many are simply beaten down after such a long time of seemingly endless restriction and segregation, and feel overwhelmed and even fearful by the prospect of going out in groups.
But while the cause may differ depending on what your current experience is, the fact is, this season carries a level of stress for everybody.
Whether your stress is related to food and drink, financial issues, or family conflict, or whether it stems from anxiety, hopelessness or even depression due to ongoing restrictions, looking after yourself with simple self-care practices will boost your immune system to help keep you healthy. With your mind and body functioning better you’ll be better able to find more joy in the season.
Read on and follow my simple tips for dealing with some of the stresses you may be facing this year. Integrate these natural techniques for Christmas Wellness in your day to support you to negotiate a passage through this pressure-filled time with greater ease and grace.
With so much uncertainty around due to ongoing and ever-changing regulations and isolations it can be very stressful trying to organise a party or other celebration. With questions about whether everyone will be able to attend it’s best to keep things simple so you don’t become overwhelmed.
But before you start any planning, the first priority is to address any ongoing or emerging emotions that are overwhelming you. Start with these tips for reducing the stress of the season. Then scroll down for some brilliant homeopathic remedies and flower essences to provide you with deeper support.
- Let it go! This year drop the high-stress customs and rituals. While traditions form the backbone of Christmas, what we’ve all learnt over recent years is that what’s most important is the time together. If something is causing you stress or nobody particularly wants to continue it anymore, or if the ritual keeps you from spending time with the family, Let It Go. Forget perfection. Instead refocus on what’s really important to you and let the rest go.
- Squeeze the ‘Heart 7 point‘. Apply firm pressure to this point for thirty seconds to reduce stress and tension
- For a quick mood-boost take a whiff of lemon or orange. Or diffuse lemon or orange essential oil through your home. If you feel crafty you could make one of those old-fashioned orange balls studded with cloves for a real Christmassy feel and aroma
- Don’t say ‘Maybe’ or ‘OK’ when you want to say ‘NO’. This isn’t something you can change overnight but beginning to say NO to the small things helps to kickstart setting your boundaries to support your needs.
- Ask for help. Don’t feel guilty. Delegate the cooking, cleaning or gift wrapping. Think outside the box. Do less, enjoy more.
- If finances are an issue this year, be upfront. Perhaps consider other less costly options. Or consider re-gifting to help preserve the planet’s natural resources.
- Count your blessings. Appreciate the abundance of family, health and love. If you can’t be together, be grateful you can still connect online.
- Go tech-free. Mobile phones and their alerts keep you in perpetual flight-fight-freeze mode which contributes to raised cortisol levels. We’re now online so much more than previously and all the studies have highlighted the many associated problems caused by too much time online. Switch off and put the tech away, even for just some of the time.
- When you’re anxious your breathing gets shallower. The ‘4-4-4 Method’ is a quick and simple stress reducer. Breathe in deeply for the count of 4, hold for the count of 4, and breathe out to the count of 4. Repeat for as long as you need to feel more grounded
- Walk it off! Not only does walking calm your mood it also improves sleep.
Food & Drink
- It’s ok to say “No” even if Nana made it specially. If you really can’t refuse just have a single bite.
- If you feel stressed don’t self-medicate with sweet foods. Raised cortisol levels cause sugar cravings, and eating sweet food triggers more cortisol release which leads to greater stress and anxiety – it’s a vicious cycle! If you feel stressed and crave something sweet have a mango. The scent of mangoes alters blood chemistry and creates a sense of calm.
- Upgrade your Christmas recipes with healthier ingredients to nourish and increase your energy. Use nutrient rich wholefoods and reduce additives. Opt for organic meats and vegetables.
- Spice it up! Hot spicy foods trigger the release of endorphins to lift your mood and reduce stressed feelings.
- Don’t deny yourself, moderation is the key. Don’t abstain entirely, instead take smaller portions of kilojoule rich foods. Go for quality not quantity and select only the most special or delicious homemade treats and skip the store-bought offerings.
- Eat a good healthy breakfast before Christmas dinner so you don’t overdo it and end up in a turkey coma – don’t “save yourself” for later
- Avoid the extra coffee. Both alcohol and caffeine cause and make anxiety worse, dehydrate you, interfere with your sleep and reduce your ability to cope with stress.
18. Sleep! Make certain you get enough. It’s easy to miss out when you’re busy. Aim for 7-8 hours sleep every night to keep your cortisol levels balanced and reduce stress. Keep exercising to keep stress down and burn off extra kilojoules
19. Pace yourself and find time to take a breather and relax. Even doing simple deep breathing for a few minutes will help.
20. Take a detox bath with a few drops of grapefruit, juniper or peppermint essential oil for a cleansing detox, or lavender, neroli or vetiver essential oil for calming and relaxing.
Other Recovery Techniques
21. Connect with nature. Spend time outdoors in nature, and it’s even better if you can remove your shoes, connect with earth and ground yourself.
22. Create positive affirmations that target the areas of your life where you feel the stress and repeat them to yourself every day through the season. Create them as a strong statement about what you desire already existing. For example use “All is well” or “I always cope when I breathe and relax” rather than ‘All will be well’ ‘I will always cope when I’m stressed’.
23. Relaxing sandalwood or nag champa incense, or lavender essential oil effectively decrease stress levels because the sense of smell bypasses the cognitive brain which is where all the worrying occurs.
24. To quiet your mind when you feel overwhelmed gently place your fingers on your closed eyelids. Hold them until you feel centred again.
25. Practice mindfulness for just ten minutes a day.
26. Take a walk or do some yoga.
27. Homeopathy To The Rescue
I’ve saved the best and most effective technique for last! Homeopathic remedies are excellent for treating the acute problems that arise during times of greater than normal stress. Keep your homeopathic home kit up to date and remember to USE THE REMEDIES whenever you need them!
Try these nine excellent Homeopathic Remedies to relieve your stress and exhaustion. However, if these don’t help visit a professional homeopath who can find the right remedy to match your specific individual symptoms.
Use a 6C potency, or 30C if the symptoms are a very clear and exact match. Take the remedy until your symptoms start to improve and then reduce the frequency.
- For strong feelings of sadness or grief, when you’re missing a loved one take IGNATIA. Begin taking the remedy before your emotions overwhelm you.
- For stress, anxiety, and even fear with a pounding heart take ACONITE.
- After receiving bad news that leaves you feeling numb, paralyzed and dizzy take GELSEMIUM.
- If hearing bad news leaves you with a knot in your stomach and a lump in your throat and you sit, sigh and sob take IGNATIA.
- For jitters about getting everything right in preparing and presenting the Christmas meal take GELSEMIUM.
- When exhausted and totally burned-out from too much cooking, cleaning and entertaining, or even work, leaving you irritable and snappy at your partner and kids take SEPIA
- When children can’t sleep for anticipation and excitement about Santa give COFFEA
- For stress as the result of staying up too late and shopping for everyone take COCCULUS
- After overindulging in too much rich food or drink take NUX-VOMICA. It’s also great for hangovers with headache, irritability, and nausea.
- If your legs ache after a long day on your feet cooking and preparing for the party take ARNICA
- When you burn yourself on the oven shelf (I’m always doing this!) take CANTHARIS
Australian Bush Flower Essences For Emotional Balance
Flower essences are brilliant. They bring balance to all levels – body, mind and spirit, but they have a particularly strong resonance with the emotional body.
While there are specific essences for each emotional state it can be confusing to try to select the best single remedy when you are in the midst of overwhelming stress.
However, there are combination remedies that are simple to select and are extremely effective and calming.
- ABFE EMERGENCY ESSENCE is excellent for any emotional upset. This Essence is comforting and has a calming effect. It brings comfort, reassurance and increases your ability to cope.
- ABFE CALM & CLEAR ESSENCE is great when you feel wound up and can’t relax. It helps you to find time and space for yourself to wind down, relax and have fun. And it helps you to relax even in the presence of external pressures and demands. With calmness and peace you’ll also find clarity.
- ABFE BOOST ESSENCE has been specifically formulated to support and boost you through these changing and challenging times. When you feel out of sorts and overwhelmed by change it helps you feel calm and reassured. It builds courage and resilience..
Follow these simple tips to help your Christmas flow smoothly so you can enjoy
the season and the celebrations, reconnecting with your family and friends.
The Information contained in, or accessed through or anything relating to Catherine Bullard is for your general health information. It is not intended to be used as medical advice and should not be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any medical condition, nor should it be used for therapeutic purposes. The information is not a substitute for independent professional advice and should not be used as an alternative to professional health care. If you have a medical problem, especially a chronic health issue, please consult a healthcare professional.