Self Care

A Lack of Boundaries Invites a Lack of Respect

  A lack of boundaries invites a lack of respect.   You can’t care for yourself properly when others walk...

Stop Trying To “Let Go’

  If you feel sad, or afraid, or feel a tension in your body, just for a moment, stop trying to 'let go'. Forget...

30 Daily Love Gifts To Yourself

  Are you showering yourself with Self-care?   Do you regularly show yourself love, compassion and kindness?...
Skin Deep: Avoid Toxic Skin Care

Skin Deep: Avoid Toxic Skin Care

  Yesterday I was browsing through the make-up range in a wonderful health food store that I love, when I was...

Could You Just Love Me?

  Today I asked my body what she needed, Which is a big deal Considering my journey of Not Really Asking That...

A Self-Love Manifesto

  self-love:    (self-ˈləv)  a, an appreciation of one's own worth or virtue; proper regard for and attention to...

The One

  You don't have to feel 'okay' all the time.  You don't have to be free from all resistance all the time. You...

Self Love: The Greatest Transformation Tool

  There is no greater tool for transformation than deciding that it's time to start loving yourself.  Amidst the...

Forgive Yourself

  Forgive yourself. We are not made to be perfect The greatest change seems to happen When we stop trying to...

The Beauty In Your Truth

  “Being grateful for every experience, without judging it or judging yourself, can help you to focus on the...