Are you showering yourself with Self-care?
Do you regularly show yourself love, compassion and kindness?
Do you notice when you need to stop, take a break, even just a minute, to nurture, ground and replenish yourself? Or are you quick to berate and run yourself down?
Do you forget to nurture and care for yourself because life is too busy?
Do you show yourself the same compassion and kindness you show to others?
Too often we avoid our own needs. We invest in caring for others and forget, or don’t allow ourselves, to care for ourselves.
So how do you show yourself love, compassion and kindness when you don’t know how?
Daily Love Potions – A Gift to Yourself
When we are stuck in a pattern where we neglect to love and care for ourselves it’s easy to forget how to reverse that.
In order to change our habits and show ourselves the love we deserve, we have to change both what we think and what we believe about ourselves.
Daily Love Potions can help you not only change what you do for yourself, but also give insight and understanding about why you’re holding yourself back.
And the beauty is that everyone around you will also benefit. As you show yourself greater love, compassion and kindness you’ll also have more to give to others. What greater gift can you give to yourself and those you love and care for?
The Daily Love Potions Worksheet
So how do you start this process? What more could you do for yourself? Most of us rarely allow ourselves to answer this question honestly and completely.
The Daily Love Potions Worksheet is a potent tool to help you become more supportive, nurturing and loving towards yourself – every day!
Daily Love Potions Worksheet
How To Use The Daily Love Potions Worksheet
Fill in each of the shapes on the worksheet with your ideas for self-love, kindness, nurturing and compassion. Go wild with ideas. Include things you’ve longed for but never allowed yourself.
There are no rules about how big or small this act can be. The only important thing is that you do it for you!
Once you’ve filled the shapes you can begin to gift the Love Potions to yourself.
Here’s how:
✦ Every day for 30 days perform one of the Love Potions for yourself. If some other new idea has shown up it’s fine to do that instead.
✦ You don’t have to do them in any order.
✦ You can repeat them, although try to do as many different Love Potions as possible.
✦ Once you’ve completed the Love Potion for each day write down what it was on your worksheet.
✦ Get yourself a beautiful journal to record your progress and responses to introducing the Daily Love Potions into your life.

Here are a few examples:
❤ Write a kind note to yourself on a sticky note
❤ Intervene before you put yourself down and stop it
❤ Take time for a cup of tea
❤ Watch a movie
❤ Go for a walk
❤ Listen to music while clearing the dishes
❤ Add some colour
❤ Paint
❤ Buy something that makes you feel good
❤ Treat yourself to a special meal
❤ Take a salt bath with essential oils
❤ Buy a new book
❤ Play with your dog or cat
❤ Bring some flowers into the house
❤ Say no to something you don’t to do or go
❤ Take the day off
If You Get Stuck…
“I Made My List But Can’t Get Started”
If you started out full of good intentions but hit a roadblock before Day 1 – DON’T DESPAIR!
Sometimes when we decide to begin something new, fear rises up to stop us moving forward.
Don’t worry! This is just subconscious thoughts and patterns appearing. When things are about to change our subconscious can panic because it believes all change is scary and things are safer if they stay the same (even when they’re not good at all!)
You just need to provide some reassurance to yourself that change can be good.
But to do that you need a bit of clarity about exactly what’s creating the block here.
Asking yourself these questions can help:
Read through your Love Potion ideas. Pause at each one. Journal your response to these questions. Record both thoughts and feelings.
✦ As you finish reading through your list what is it you are feeling? Try to distill this into one word. Which of the Love Potions matches this feeling the most?
✦ Which Love Potion excites you?
✦ What on your list feels as though it could be a real challenge?
✦ What do you know about your list of Love Potions?
✦ What do you think will happen after 30 days? What do you hope will change?
✦ What is the thing that you wanted to put on your list but didn’t?
✦ What would you do if you were brave?
✦ When do you want to begin?
✦ Do you need to change anything before you start?
✦ What is your first step?
“I Began The ‘30 Days’ But Didn’t Finish”
If you started the 30 days of Love Potions but dropped off the wagon, don’t berate yourself.
Review each of your Daily Love Potions. Are they still the best ways you can show yourself love, compassion and kindness?
If the answer is NO, or they just don’t quite sit right, change them.
Your Expectations
These questions will help you get clear about your expectations about Daily Love Potions and also what may be holding you back from starting or continuing. Answer the questions and then begin the 30 Day Challenge again with deeper insight into your needs and challenges.
✦ What is stopping you from committing to yourself?
✦ Is there anything in your life that provides a reason or excuse not to continue?
✦ How would you feel if you didn’t do anything on this list?
✦ Is there something on your list you find particularly challenging?
✦ Review your list of Love Potions. Pause at each item. Are these still the best ways to show yourself love? Are there any that no longer sit comfortably with you? If the answer is ‘yes’, or they just don’t quite sit right, change them.
✦ What did you feel as you read through your list? Try to distill this feeling into a single word. This feeling may reflect an old belief that’s holding you back.
✦ What have you noticed so far as you do your Daily Love Potions?
✦ Do you need to change anything?
✦ When can you start again?
✦ What do you hope to get from this process? What do you think will happen?
You can never give yourself too much self love and kindness

Intergrate The Daily Love Potion Process
Congratulations! You’ve finished a whole month of treating yourself with kindness, compassion and love.
Sometimes after we do a process like this all the great practices we started begin to slip away, until we fall back into our old critical or un-nurturing ways.
Once you finish the 30 days it’s time to make self-love, compassion and kindness natural and normal, everyday.
The key to making this a natural part of your life is to review and integrate what you discovered about yourself, and how it benefited you, instead of leaving it hanging.
Consider your response to each of these questions carefully and then record your answers in your journal.
✦ How was it filling out your Daily Love Potion ideas?
✦ Did you have problems finding enough Love Potions? How could you have refined your choices?
✦ Were there any you found particularly challenging?
✦ What do you feel as you look at your list of Daily Love Potions?
✦ Are there certain things on your list that make you feel inspired? What are they?
✦ What is alive in you right now?
✦ How are you doing at showing yourself some love each day?
✦ How do you feel when you choose to do something for yourself each day?
✦ What are the common themes you’re seeing?
✦ If you had a magic wand what would you do to show yourself some love?
✦ If you weren’t worried about anyone else what would be one of your Love Potions?
✦ Is there anyone you would like to share your worksheet with? What would be your intention for that conversation?
✦ What on your list of ideas has the most energy for you?
✦ What on your list is the scariest for you to think of doing?
✦ What on your list would bring you the most joy?
✦ What did you notice in yourself as you moved further through your list?
✦ Did you notice any change in the people around you as you moved further through the process?
✦ What changed for you over the 30 days?
✦ Which of these Love Potions can you introduce into your routine every single day?
✦ What have you learned about yourself through the 30 days?
Choose the Daily Potions from your list that you can easily do every day and that also lift your energy, your mood and your self-appreciation. Continue doing these until it seems like your day is incomplete if you forget them.