Content Library

WGW Content Library


Meet Your Spirit Guide Meditation

  Are you curious about your Spirit Guide?   We hear and read a lot about the Spirit guide who walks alongside us on our Earthly 3D experience.  But for many people that connection to their guide can feel vague or hidden.  They may know, because they have...

Just Gut Instinct? Or Something Greater?

  Your body is constantly communicating to you through sensations and feelings. If you’ve ever started feeling sick to your stomach when you knew something was wrong but couldn’t put your finger on what it was, then you understand that intuitions can cause a physical...

Summer Bingo

Master each tile to complete Summer Bingo with a win for yourself!


What’s really in your skin products?

  What’s actually in your skin care, cosmetics and personal products? Do you really know?   There is a lot of confusion when it comes to...


  Now Spring's arrived we're in the middle of hay fever season and you may already be suffering.  In my alternative health clinic, I regularly...

Manage Your Perfectionism

  If you’re a perfectionist, chances are you already know it. But if you’re wondering, “Could this be me?” here are five common perfectionist...

A Strong & Healthy Immune System

  A strong immune system helps protect you against whatever contagious illness is going around.  Vitamin D is one supplement that’s vital for a...

The 5 Fears That Kill Dreams

  Courage is one of the major qualities that separate the few who achieve their goals and dreams and live an inspired life, from the many that...

Is Fear Ruling Your Decisions?

  Most of us have fear lurking in the corner of our minds and hearts.  While this is part of our human experience, the more conscious we can...

Breath, The Key To Your Life Force

  Breath is one of your most potent spiritual powers – and it’s right under your nose! Breath is the facilitator of Spiritual energy. It...

Do You Feel Drained?

  Have you ever walked into a room and immediately felt that someone was angry?  We are constantly picking up energies with higher senses that...

With Awareness Reality Shifts

  “Breathing with awareness, peace comes naturally…Just by practicing awareness of your breathing, the person you are having difficulty with...

Select the category you want to view

Doorway to your I

Metaphysical Toolkit

Refine mystical awareness; reclaim your power; refine your vibration; stillness & peace; cutting ties, ritual, connection to the Earth; grounding

Doorway to your I


Practices and processes to deepen meditation and mindfulness practice such as breathwork, awareness, dance,

Trust Intuition

Recognising, strengthening and developing intuition

Intentional Thought

Reprogramming limiting thoughts and old beliefs; courage; perception and perspective; self-talk;

Doorway to your I

Holistic Health And Wellness

Natural health; nutrition; sleep; dealing with stress; all things holistic health related

Self Care

Nurturing practices; boundaries; self-love; self-respect; honouring your needs

Doorway to your I

Natural Cycles

The seasons; Lunar lore (full moon/new moon); Solstice and Equinox; astrology and zodiac; numerology 


Symbols; stories; crystals; random content; recipes; joy; life’s magic; surprises

Soul Empowered Creative

Creativity; ‘how-to’s’; practical stuff; crafts, art; develop and nurture your inner creative


Inspiration; quotes; wise words

Sacred Home

Everything related to the home; natural products; feng shui; altars, smudging; plants

Magical Moments

Happiness, bliss, joy, creating life’s magical moments

Featured Contributor

Catherine Bullard

Founder, Woman Get Wise
and Nadurra Wellness

Pick of the Week

How Happy Are You?

How Happy Are You?

Are you a happy person? Happiness is a matter of choice -- not just luck. Some people have a natural pre-disposition that fosters happiness.  Developing awareness of how you respond to emotional triggers can help you break apart limiting beliefs that keep you locked...


Meet Your Spirit Guide Meditation

  Are you curious about your Spirit Guide?   We hear and read a lot about the Spirit guide who walks alongside us on our Earthly 3D experience.  But for many people that connection to their guide can feel vague or hidden.  They may know, because they have...

Just Gut Instinct? Or Something Greater?

  Your body is constantly communicating to you through sensations and feelings. If you’ve ever started feeling sick to your stomach when you knew something was wrong but couldn’t put your finger on what it was, then you understand that intuitions can cause a physical...