Natural Cycles
Autumn Bingo
Master each tile to complete Autumn Bingo with a win for yourself!
The Pathway to Social Sustainability
We are living in an evolutionary time of initiation which many are aware carries the potential to reclaim our...
Self Care During Dark Moon
How do you practice self-care during the Dark Moon phase? Here are a few suggestions. ❈ ...
Equinox – Revisited
Here in the Southern Hemisphere today is the actual Spring Equinox. So although it’s normal to celebrate it on...
Spring is the time of new beginnings; Summer is the time of growth and action; Autumn is the time of harvest...
Winter Gratitude
"We give thanks for the blessing of winter Season to cherish the heart To make warmth and quiet for the heart...
Today is Solstice when we celebrate Winter in the Southern Hemisphere where nature is at its quietest, and...
How do You Communicate Under Retrograde Mercury?
Mercury is retrograde for another two weeks. When Mercury is retrograde, we enter a period that fosters...
Tension and Discord at Full Moon
FULL MOON Have you been feeling the tension over the last few days as we build towards today’s...
Sagittarius New Moon & Solar Eclipse
With this evening's New Moon we have a Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius. New Moon Solar Eclipses are amongst the...