Here in the Southern Hemisphere today is the actual Spring Equinox.  So although it’s normal to celebrate it on the 21st, two days ago, I wanted to remind you today that the energies of the Equinox which are focused on balance and integration are still potent.  If we choose to work with them, they support us in bringing balance into our lives.

Over winter we go deep within to hibernate, energetically emerging at the Equinox to new life and new growth, with a sense of joyful expectation.  This is a time of balance, of equal light and dark, the balance of the polarities. It is a transitory moment of stillness.  Equinox is a potent energetic gateway to engagement with Higher Consciousness.  It’s a powerful time to expand our awareness and unify duality within.

Occurring in the beginning of the sign of Libra, Spring Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere supports creating balance between the polarities within each of us – light and shadow, feminine and masculine.  This Libran energy calls you to consider the state of your relationships, both the external and importantly, the inner relationship between the feminine and masculine.  Any imbalance of the inner relationship will play out in your external relationships.