Authenticity: Be Yourself
The greatest gift you can give yourself is seeing & owning what is true about YOU This is so true! What do...
Restore Balance
Make time every day to quiet your mind. Spending time in awareness in the place of stillness is one of the most...
Full Moon Release
Declutter your house, your mind, your diary. Declutter your obligations. Anything that is not rooted in...
Super Chlorella, Detox Agent
Heavy Metals such as aluminium, cadmium, fluoride, lead and mercury have become a normal part of our...
How To Find Peace
You cannot find peace by avoiding life. Life spins with unexpected changes every hour. So instead of avoiding...
Do You Procrastinate?
Making a decision can be extremely difficult for perfectionists. Suzy Welch wrote a book called "10.10.10"...
A Time For Extra Self-Care
The switch to daylight savings in Spring is hard on your body and it can take some time for it to fully adjust....
Spring Detox
With Spring in full bloom and only weeks to summer it’s time to consider a gentle detox. To detox properly you...
Daylight Savings and Your Pineal Gland
In the Southern Hemisphere Spring is in full flight in all her glory. Energetically Spring is a powerful time...
Equinox, A Time Of Balance
Equinox is a point of perfect balance in the annual cycle. It's a time when the natural energies support us to...