Reduce the Impact of Stress
December is a highly stress-filled time for most people, with time pressures, financial strain, too many committments...
Stories We Tell Ourselves
Ultimately what holds us stuck in a situation that doesn’t support us, nurture our growth or simply leaves us...
Disconnect And Re-Centre
At times you need to disconnect and create a bubble around yourself for a short while, just to give yourself...
The USA celebrates Thanksgiving in two weeks, and while you may not celebrate this holiday in your corner of...
Are You Hiding?
"Having perfected our disguise, we spend our lives searching for someone we don't fool." ~ Robert Brault ...
Are you missing out on the health benefits of tea? Research shows that Australians now drink more coffee than...
Intuition Is Higher Intelligence
Intuition is an expanded intelligence, and our ability to use this together with perception allows us to find...
Authenticity: Be Yourself
The greatest gift you can give yourself is seeing & owning what is true about YOU This is so true! What do...
Restore Balance
Make time every day to quiet your mind. Spending time in awareness in the place of stillness is one of the most...
Full Moon Release
Declutter your house, your mind, your diary. Declutter your obligations. Anything that is not rooted in...