
The Mandala: Our Relation To Infinity

Mandalas are circular designs symbolising the notion that life is never ending.  A Mandala represents wholeness, a...

You Are Not Alone

  “You are beginning to understand, aren’t you? That the whole world is inside you - in your perspectives and in...

Empowering Choices

  STOP. Breathe. Say out loud “I choose peace, I choose to feel connected, I choose to feel supported”. Make...

Be Generous To Yourself

  How often do you give your time, energy, or resources to help other people, leaving very little for yourself?...

Could You Just Love Me?

  Today I asked my body what she needed, Which is a big deal Considering my journey of Not Really Asking That...

How healthy is tea?

   Some healthy tea facts: 💙 Tea may help prevent the development of type 1 diabetes and slow the progression...


  It’s all in how you view it...perspective  

Melatonin: #1 For Good Sleep

  When you’re exposed to regular low levels of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) over time, such as we find in our...

Set Boundaries To Reduce Cortisol

  When it comes to setting boundaries your adrenals are calling you. Setting boundaries means saying no to what...
Bring Nature In

Bring Nature In

  Too cold and wet to walk in nature?  Bring the green indoors! Placing a plant or two around your home and...

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