Natural Cycles

The Pathway to Social Sustainability

  We are living in an evolutionary time of initiation which many are aware carries the potential to reclaim our...

Reflections for the End of Winter

  We have come to the end of Winter and now begin to move into Spring, a time of expansion and growth. Winter is...

Sagittarius New Moon & Solar Eclipse

  With this evening's New Moon we have a Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius.  New Moon Solar Eclipses are amongst the...
communicate under retrograde mercury

How do You Communicate Under Retrograde Mercury?

  Mercury is retrograde for another two weeks. When Mercury is retrograde, we enter a period that fosters...

Breathing Meditation For Equinox

  Equinox is the pivotal point on the calendar when light and dark become equal just for a moment.  It is a...

The Positive Side Of A Mercury Retrograde

Today Mercury goes retrograde.   "So what?" you may ask. A few times every year Mercury appears to move backward...

Create Ritual With The New Moon

  Through the ages ritual was always an important component of life.  But as life’s become faster with less time...

Equinox – Revisited

  Here in the Southern Hemisphere today is the actual Spring Equinox.  So although it’s normal to celebrate it on...
Moon Water For Full Moon Self Care

Moon Water For Full Moon Self Care

  Full Moon energy is particularly powerful for any Letting Go or Release Ceremony or ritual.  You may already...
your end of year release ritual

End Of Year Release Ritual

  As the year draws towards its end it’s naturally time to reflect back on the year that was… and start to look...