Natural Cycles

Create Ritual With The New Moon

  Through the ages ritual was always an important component of life.  But as life’s become faster with less time...

Equinox – Revisited

  Here in the Southern Hemisphere today is the actual Spring Equinox.  So although it’s normal to celebrate it on...

Spring Bingo

Can you score BINGO! this Spring? Cross off each tile as you complete the action.  

Winter Gratitude

  "We give thanks for the blessing of winter Season to cherish the heart To make warmth and quiet for the heart...

Autumn Bingo

Master each tile to complete Autumn Bingo with a win for yourself!  

March Equinox: A Time Of Balance

  The Wheel of the Year turns!   Today Day and Night will be perfectly balanced to give rise to a brand New...


  Today is Solstice when we celebrate Winter in the Southern Hemisphere where nature is at its quietest, and...
autumn alchemy: Embrace Autumn's Wisdom for Immune Strength and Inner Peace

Autumn Alchemy: Embrace the Season’s Wisdom for Immune Health and Inner Peace

  As the leaves turn golden and the air carries a crispness unique to autumn, it's a signal for us too, to slow...

The Pathway to Social Sustainability

  We are living in an evolutionary time of initiation which many are aware carries the potential to reclaim our...

The Phases Of The Moon

Does the Moon sing to you? Do you feel a really strong Lunar connection? Are you irresistibly drawn to sit out under...


  Spring is the time of new beginnings;  Summer is the time of growth and action;  Autumn is the time of harvest...

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Winter Gratitude

Winter Gratitude

  "We give thanks for the blessing of winter Season to cherish the heart To make warmth and quiet for the heart...

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  Today is Solstice when we celebrate Winter in the Southern Hemisphere where nature is at its quietest, and...

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