Metaphysical Toolkit

What Style Of Meditation Is Best For You?

What Style Of Meditation Is Best For You?

  Have you tried to meditate but struggled to focus as your thoughts went wild? Or maybe you’ve tried one...

Release The 3D Busy-ness

  Take a couple of deep, cleansing breaths.  Bring your awareness to your heart space, your energetic zero-point,...

Your Inner Quiet

  Everyone can benefit from finding quiet moments to stop, be still, and rediscover the solace of their own...
Be In The Moment For More Value In Life

Be In The Moment For More Value In Life

  Mindfulness has to do with fully and openly embracing the present moment.  Sounds so simple, right?  But in...

The Power of Awareness

  With the alchemist’s tool of awareness we can open up to information that presents to guide us. We do this...

Living In Flow

  Are you living in FLOW?   Signs you may not be: ❉ Regularly being late – out of alignment with what you...
Mindlessness vs Mindfulness

Mindlessness vs Mindfulness

  What does mindlessness vs mindfulness look like? Let's discover how they differ from each other. Most people go...

Transform The Shadow

  Fear is actually one of our best cosmic teachers on the path because it allows us to see ourselves from the...

The Spiral: Growth and Evolution

  The spiral as a geometric talisman holds particular resonance for me and I am frequently drawn to its energy in...

Greater Intuition With The New Moon

  "Intuition is an innate and universal biological and energetic function that can be used like a human GPS...