
Relieve Stress & Anxiety With This Simple Tip

  Being mindful relieves stress and anxiety because your awareness is in the present moment. You are not focused...
full moon libra

Tension and Discord at Full Moon

    FULL MOON   Have you been feeling the tension over the last few days as we build towards today’s...

Be Brave

  You are exploring the wisdom of your soul. You are shedding old ways and beliefs that no longer fit who you are...

Celebrate Lammas

  February 1st and 2nd marks the harvest festival of Lammas or Lughnasadh for those of us here in the Southern...

Muster A Smile

  Each of us has a responsibility to be as present as possible in these challenging times. That's right, no...

Intuition Is Higher Intelligence

  Intuition is an expanded intelligence, and our ability to use this together with perception allows us to find...

What’s really in your skin products?

  What’s actually in your skin care, cosmetics and personal products? Do you really know?   There is a lot...

The One

  You don't have to feel 'okay' all the time.  You don't have to be free from all resistance all the time. You...