Celebrate Lammas With Gratitude
February 1st and 2nd marks the harvest festival of Lughnasadh, also known as Lammas, in the Southern...
Reduce Stress This Year
Would you like to reduce stress and that feeling of overwhelm in your life this year? Do you wish you could...
Our Job Is To Be Authentic
We are already in every dimension so there is no shifting dimensions just shifting perspectives. All possible...
The Adventurer
“I can choose either to be a victim of the world or an adventurer in search of treasure. It’s all a question...
Renew With Nature
When we’re lost in the concrete and steel of the cities that we call home, we often lose sight of the absolute...
Your Unique Flow In Life
Have you noticed how a bright sunny day can change your mood? We awaken when touched by expressions in Nature....
Heart Chakra Balance
Chakra balance is achieved one chakra at a time, by working on one issue at a time. Every state of negativity...
New Year, New Potential
“We spend January 1st walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to...
Abundance Is…
“Abundance is not the money you have in your bank account, the trophies on your shelf, the letters after your...
The Key To Enjoy Life
Most of us assume we have our stress under control, so we think it’s completely normal to feel stressed. In...