It’s Not Magic!
Many think of intuition as being emotional but intuition is an intelligence and wisdom inherent in every cell...
The Power Of Choice
“One of THE MOST POWERFUL TOOLS we have is our ability to CHOOSE. Despite what the New Age tells us, the...
New Moon In Pisces
As we reach the final New Moon of this zodiac year, we enter a time for both reflecting back on the last twelve...
With Awareness Reality Shifts
Awareness is a powerful tool. Awareness is involved in everything we do, even when we are not focusing...
Today…I will be present
"Today I will remind myself to get present to the world, rather than to my thoughts about the world. I will...
Health Benefits Of Grounding
Regularly grounding yourself by connecting directly with the earth in bare feet actually benefits you...
Celebrate Lammas With Gratitude
February 1st and 2nd marks the harvest festival of Lughnasadh, also known as Lammas, in the Southern...
Reduce Stress This Year
Would you like to reduce stress and that feeling of overwhelm in your life this year? Do you wish you could...
Our Job Is To Be Authentic
We are already in every dimension so there is no shifting dimensions just shifting perspectives. All possible...
The Adventurer
“I can choose either to be a victim of the world or an adventurer in search of treasure. It’s all a question...