Do you live mind-fully or mind-lessly?

When you live mindlessly you usually don’t realise it.

That’s because you live your life on autopilot and your attention is often in multiple places at the one time.  You often ignore the clues your body is giving you, until you get sick.  And your short term memory is often poor.

Living mindlessly can shorten your life and it can also seriously affect the quality of your life.

Some of the other signs of living mindlessly are when you:

  • Become so focused on achieving a goal that you don’t take time out to reflect if achieving that goal will make you happy, or if you really want it.
  • Forget people’s names when you are introduced.
  • Are constantly preoccupied.
  • Eat without being aware of the taste of what you are eating.
  • Drive on autopilot, so that you are not aware until you reach your destination.
  • Use work, food, alcohol as a distraction