Intuition Is Higher Intelligence

Intuition Is Higher Intelligence

  Intuition is an expanded intelligence, and our ability to use this together with perception allows us to find solutions to problems we might be having in any area of our life.  When it serves us we’re able to come up with innovative new ideas that nobody’s ever...
Your Heart’s Wisdom

Your Heart’s Wisdom

  To tap into your heart’s massive wisdom, slow your breathing.  This sends a signal to your body that you seek higher intelligence, and not that of the normally stressed, and freaked out ego. Deep breathing calms the nervous system and quiets the brain. Everyone...
Trust Your Gut

Trust Your Gut

  Trusting your gut.  Using your 6th Sense. Having a hunch.  These are all ways of describing your built-in intuition or guidance system.  We all have it.  In fact, your gut makes more neurochemicals than your brain! Some of you may feel you have lost your...
Intuition Carries Our Inner Wisdom

Intuition Carries Our Inner Wisdom

  Intuition is the voice of our soul as it speaks to us through our higher mind The voice of our intuition guides us in supportive ways. It never diminishes us, tells us that we’re a failure or that we’re stupid. As the voice of our soul our intuition always...