by Catherine | 2, Apr 2024 | Holistic Health & Wellness, Meditation
We all experience times when our lives seem to be out of balance, where we feel buffeted by the turmoil around us, or we feel we have lost our grip on control in our life. Sometimes, in the midst of all this we can begin to shut down or fall apart. We may start to...
by Catherine | 10, Feb 2024 | Inspiration, Meditation
Joyful laughter and meditation look similar in the brain, new research shows. When people engage in humour based mirthful laughter their brain wave frequencies light up the brain in a similar way to what happens when a person meditates. Both activities involve...
by Catherine | 20, Jan 2024 | Inspiration, Meditation
As soon as meditation is mentioned many people’s eyes glaze over as they think of a bunch of people sitting around for long periods contemplating ‘who knows what!’. However, the impact of meditation on the brain is now known and it’s all great news,...
by Catherine | 17, Sep 2022 | Inspiration, Meditation
Do you fear food? Does just looking at food make you feel like you are gaining weight? Are you too busy, too stressed, too involved with more important things than nourishing yourself? Do you nourish others but not yourself? Do you have a love-hate...
by Catherine | 13, Jun 2022 | Inspiration, Meditation
Do you live mind-fully or mind-lessly? When you live mindlessly you usually don’t realise it. That’s because you live your life on autopilot and your attention is often in multiple places at the one time. You often ignore the clues your body is giving you,...