by Catherine | 1, Jun 2023 | Inspiration, Intentional Thinking
The brain can’t tell the difference between something real or imagined. This means you can take an imaginary field trip at any moment in your day – a place, or a sanctuary, where you can go to calm down if feeling stressed or dis-ease. Try it! For one...
by Catherine | 14, Oct 2022 | Inspiration, Intentional Thinking
Give yourself permission to NOT feel motivated all the time. We all feel lost sometimes. Recognise when you need this and allow yourself to be in this place, without feeling guilty about it. Give yourself the space you need to breathe and be still. Then...
by Catherine | 1, Oct 2022 | Inspiration, Intentional Thinking
Are you someone who has difficulty making decisions? It’s easy to become stuck if you allow yourself to get overwhelmed by the thought of making the wrong choice and stuffing things up. Sometimes you just have to jump right into that deep chasm...
by Catherine | 19, Aug 2022 | Inspiration, Intentional Thinking
We create our reality by choosing our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. For that reason, when we have bad days sometimes we might wonder what we did to bring it upon ourselves. Each moment is a new opportunity to choose our internal experience of reality,...
by Catherine | 29, Jul 2022 | Inspiration, Intentional Thinking
Paying attention to what we say and the words we use give us vital clues into identifying our limiting belief patterns. How do you speak to yourself? Do you use words that uplift yourself and others? Become an observer of the words you speak and think. Words...
by Catherine | 23, Jul 2022 | Inspiration, Intentional Thinking
I believe our life experiences follow a spiral pattern. Over our whole lifetime we regularly revisit our problems and challenges but always at a different level of understanding and experience. Each time it recurs the challenge presents differently to the ways...