Natural Cycles
New Moon In Pisces
As we reach the final New Moon of this zodiac year, we enter a time for both reflecting back on the last twelve...
Moon Water For Full Moon Self Care
Full Moon energy is particularly powerful for any Letting Go or Release Ceremony or ritual. You may already...
Celebrate Lammas With Gratitude
February 1st and 2nd marks the harvest festival of Lughnasadh, also known as Lammas, in the Southern...
End Of Year Release Ritual
As the year draws towards its end it’s naturally time to reflect back on the year that was… and start to look...
Summer Solstice
In the Southern hemisphere, last night was Midsummers Night Eve and today is the Summer Solstice, the longest...
A Solstice Message For Transformation
The Solstices are special and sacred energetic gateways which occur twice each year in June and December. They...
Spring Equinox: New Beginnings
The Spring, or Vernal Equinox is the third energetic power point of the Celestial Year. It is a Lunar festival...
Breathing Meditation For Equinox
Equinox is the pivotal point on the calendar when light and dark become equal just for a moment. It is a...
Reflections for the End of Winter
We have come to the end of Winter and now begin to move into Spring, a time of expansion and growth. Winter is...
The Phases Of The Moon
Does the Moon sing to you? Do you feel a really strong Lunar connection? Are you irresistibly drawn to sit out under...