Disconnect And Re-Centre

Disconnect And Re-Centre

  At times you need to disconnect and create a bubble around yourself for a short while, just to give yourself the space and stillness to re-centre. We’re living in a world in constant upheaval and it’s easy to be influenced by what’s going on around us.  If you...
How To Find Peace

How To Find Peace

  You cannot find peace by avoiding life. Life spins with unexpected changes every hour.  So instead of avoiding it, take every change and experience as a challenge for growth.  Either it will give you what you want or it will teach you what the next step is....
With Awareness Reality Shifts

With Awareness Reality Shifts

  “Breathing with awareness, peace comes naturally…Just by practicing awareness of your breathing, the person you are having difficulty with may not notice that there is a change taking place in you.  Although you have not yet reopened communication or started...
Love Yourself More

Love Yourself More

  Love Yourself More. Schedule time for you Get organised Feed yourself great food Stop worrying, it only creates problems See your friends more often Buy yourself gifts, small luxury counts Unplug electronics and plug into nature Go after your dreams Make art,...
Spring Abundance and Growth

Spring Abundance and Growth

  “Spring is the season of potential; new buds and tender shoots invite us to open ourselves to faith in possibilities. Summer is a season of growth and reward, as we see our labor come to fruition, pick the first tomato and zucchini and appreciate what several...