Self Care
Amplify Your Soul Empowered Wholeness
As Autumn settles her nurturing cloak around us, wrapping us in her warm, hazy afternoons, she reminds us to...
Calm & Happiness When Life’s Overwhelming
We all want a happy life. But when you’re in the middle of a really bad week, where you’re constantly...
Be Still
In this hyped world we're switched on all the time. Taking a break soothes our nervous system. ...
Heart Chakra Balance
Chakra balance is achieved one chakra at a time, by working on one issue at a time. Every state of negativity...
Authenticity: Be Yourself
The greatest gift you can give yourself is seeing & owning what is true about YOU This is so true! What do...
Skin Deep: Avoid Toxic Skin Care
Yesterday I was browsing through the make-up range in a wonderful health food store that I love, when I was...
200 Inspiring Journalling Prompts
Journalling provides you with an opportunity to reconnect with your inner self. It can also be a powerful tool...
30 Daily Love Gifts To Yourself
Are you showering yourself with Self-care? Do you regularly show yourself love, compassion and kindness?...
What Do You Yearn For, Deep In Your Heart?
We all yearn for many things, but in essence, what we truly seek is love and acceptance. Often we seek...
We Cannot Hate Our Bodies To Health
We cannot hate our bodies to health. True change begins with self-love and self-care, and knowing that no...