By Sandy King

(Gluten free)


When choosing a recipe to share with you this month, there were a few options that came to mind.  However, in making my final decision, I felt that the weather (Summer in the Southern Hemisphere at the moment) and the fact that many of us recently celebrated Christmas and New Year should be part of the process.

I chose this watermelon salad because of its sweet freshness, as well as the fact that watermelon may help cleanse our body after the rich foods often enjoyed over the festive season.  Not to mention the textures and the fact that I find the combination of flavours excite a few of the tastebud zones.  Always a winning combination, to my mind. 



Here are a few interesting things about the benefits of eating watermelon.


The first, and possibly most important fact about watermelon, and melons in general, is that they are rehydrating on a cellular level.  Watermelon which has been refrigerated and then sliced or cubed is cool, refreshing, and will help restore your energy on various levels.  It’s rich in both potassium and magnesium, as well as Vitamins A and C.  It is said to help reduce inflammation and may even help relieve muscle aches.  With all of these wonderful benefits, it seems a perfect fruit to enjoy on a hot day and after summer sports.

Pop some cubes of watermelon into the freezer for a few hours, and then blend the frozen cubes to make a delicious smoothie (Did you know you can leave the pips in to enhance the nutritional benefits?)




Watermelon, Feta Cheese and Mint Salad



(Serves 2)

  • 1kg Watermelon, rind and seeds removed, watermelon flesh cubed
  • ½ cup crumbled feta cheese (use vegan cheese or goat’s milk if preferred or required)
  • ½ cup fresh mint leaves or basil leaves, torn
  • A little lime juice
  • Optional: Kalamata olives or black olives, pitted and quartered
  • Optional: half of a small red onion, finely chopped, and soaked in the juice of 2 limes (apparently, soaking red onion in lemon or lime juice for about 10 minutes makes them easier to eat without leaving an after taste)




  • If you choose to use the onion, soak it in lime juice while you prepare the ingredients.
  • Place watermelon cubes, crumbled feta or other cheese and mint leaves (reserve a few leaves to garnish) into a salad bowl.
  • Add onion and lime juice (if using)
  • Toss gently
  • Add lime juice to taste
  • Season with freshly ground black pepper


Share and enjoy.



Contributor Sandy King is a Pellowah Practitioner and an Oracle Card and Runes reader, who works on an energy level to help others pave their path to understanding the apparent obstacles they face.  Her other passion is cooking.