With this evening’s New Moon we have a Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius.  New Moon Solar Eclipses are amongst the most powerful eclipses we experience.  Under their presence our creativity and our intuition are magnified so we are better able to powerfully activate and manifest whatever we have been sowing.   As we engage with the New Moon Solar Eclipse energies our awareness refines.  We are able to notice more easily and more clearly when what we need comes our way, and we can then take precise action.

With this New Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius we come to the end of the current Sagittarius-Gemini eclipse cycle that began back in May 2020.  This represents both an ending and a beginning.  Having fully integrated the lessons of this time we are now ready to step forward, reborn and ready to use these in an active role in the next stage of our evolutionary journey.  As the energies of the past cycle dissipate we can consciously manifest what we wish to experience.  As we move through the closure of this part of our journey we open the new chapter with greater clarity, ease and grace.

As this door opens on our new direction it may bring an unfolding of rewards for the work you have done.  It may also present clarity about where you are being asked to level up. Just as the visionary Sagittarius Archer looks to the heavens, it is time for you to also look upward, to grow beyond your limiting beliefs, to ask guidance of what the Universe asks of you on your metaphysical journey.

Eclipses bring events that transform our lives, portals into new states of consciousness.  And Solar Eclipses in particular, are times of great change.

Surrounding the Eclipse and New Moon other cosmic energies suggest we may become aware of a deeper truth as something is uncovered.  However, the information may be misleading and we must engage with our intuition deeply if we are to see the real picture, the highest truth, with clarity.  If the message you receive begins to feel emotional then it’s not coming from Source. Intuitive messages are not wrapped up in emotions or feelings, they are clear, precise, and direct.

This energy may also bring the chance to heal broken relationships through conversation, whether that’s with others or yourself.  If you need to have this conversation with yourself journalling is a wonderful way to get it started.  Above all be kind and gentle in your approach and your language.

Under this Eclipse don’t try to force the direction or action you take. Instead, the key is to Allow.  Get out of the way and let the energy direct your course to where you need to be.  Trust.  Trust the process.  Trust your intuition.  Trust that you will end up at the right place.

As I said, Solar Eclipses bring new opportunities and new beginnings.  Stay open and engaged, and maintain your Awareness at all times. remain observant and discerning.

As always at the New Moon, look after yourself.  You may be feeling washed out or a little weary.  If you’re feeling depleted tune into your body and ask what it needs, and then address it.  Rest, ground, re-hydrate, and care for yourself.

New Moon Blessings 💙💙