Today’s New Moon is happily bringing harmony as it nestles in at home in Cancer, the sign of home, family and all that’s nurturing.

This watery energy brings heightened sensitivity and refined intuition.  Today forget the practical and set aside a few moments to tune into that inner voice.

Emotions may also be triggered under this Moon, emerging intensely or just seeping out when you least expect it.  Either way, allow the emotions to rise and any tears to flow.  Acknowledge and own whatever comes up to bolster your sense of personal power.  It’s easy to feel triggered under this energy so don’t judge if you or those around you, are moody.

Under this very emotional influence it’s important to protect our energy, set boundaries and practice self-care.  Review your self care and set intentions wherever things need to change.

With Cancer’s focus being on family and home this is a perfect time to renew relationships with family you’ve lost touch with over the last two years.  It’s a particularly powerful day to connect with your mother, or your children.

When it comes to finances Cancer needs to feel secure, so this is a good time to set intentions around creative financial improvements and strategies that will help you manage with inflation and spiraling prices.

With so much watery energy around look to the healing power of water, such as swimming in the ocean.  Or draw a ritual Epsom salt bath and add a moonstone to the water or a few drops of essential oil – rosemary if you feel particularly sensitive and tender, patchouli if you’re feeling moody, rose to connect with others in a loving way.  And be sure to stay hydrated.

Neptune turning retrograde on the same day as the New Moon will help support you if you are feeling ready to examine and heal deep wounds, especially those relating to family patterns or generational trauma.

New Moon marks the beginning of a new cycle and it brings a spurt of fresh energy to support us in setting intentions.  Make time today to set your intentions around self-care, family, finances and home, both your actual physical home and your inner home. Focus on feelings and the person you wish to be.  The new moon isn’t a time of action but of vision so really think about what you want to manifest.  You don’t have to do anything apart from plant the seeds of desire in the deep, dark, magical cauldron of the Universe.