Manage Your Perfectionism

Manage Your Perfectionism

  If you’re a perfectionist, chances are you already know it. But if you’re wondering, “Could this be me?” here are five common perfectionist tendencies: You don’t settle for second best. You give up on tasks you don’t think will turn out perfectly. You are...
Conquer Your Fear

Conquer Your Fear

      “When a resolute young fellow steps up to the great bully, the world, and takes him boldly by the beard, he is often surprised to find it comes off in his hand, and that it was only tied on to scare away the timid adventurers.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson  ...
Empower Through Language

Empower Through Language

As children, many of us were told off for saying something unkind. We were taught to always find something nice to say, and if we couldn’t, then we were better saying nothing at all.  But for some people this can lead to feelings of never being heard as adults.  They...
Change Your Money Mindset And Beliefs

Change Your Money Mindset And Beliefs

  While we tend to think of wealth and poverty as being totally different to each other, they actually share a very close bond. Poverty and wealth are really just two polarising points of the same thought form of “money”.  If we continue to think of them as...