Is Fear Ruling Your Decisions?

Is Fear Ruling Your Decisions?

  Most of us have fear lurking in the corner of our minds and hearts.  While this is part of our human experience, the more conscious we can become of our fear, the more it helps us to know when it is driving our decisions or when it is simply in the background...
Do You Feel Drained?

Do You Feel Drained?

  Have you ever walked into a room and immediately felt that someone was angry?  We are constantly picking up energies with higher senses that we didn’t know we had. All living cells have electrical fields and many different animals are able to sense and react to...
With Awareness Reality Shifts

With Awareness Reality Shifts

  “Breathing with awareness, peace comes naturally…Just by practicing awareness of your breathing, the person you are having difficulty with may not notice that there is a change taking place in you.  Although you have not yet reopened communication or started...
Your 3D Experience Is A Mirror

Your 3D Experience Is A Mirror

  “When you understand projection you will never see the world the same way again.  In this holographic world, everyone and everything is a mirror, and you are always seeing yourself and talking to yourself.  If you choose, you can now look at what...
Are You A Stress Addict?

Are You A Stress Addict?

  Most people are stressed.  However, being present and watching out for the warning signs in your body can help you defuse stress before it gets way out of hand. These strategies will help reduce the impact your stress has on you and help you get through.  Be...