Disconnect And Re-Centre

Disconnect And Re-Centre

  At times you need to disconnect and create a bubble around yourself for a short while, just to give yourself the space and stillness to re-centre. We’re living in a world in constant upheaval and it’s easy to be influenced by what’s going on around us.  If you...
Sensory Stress Relief For Grounding

Sensory Stress Relief For Grounding

  Does this sound familiar? You have realised your life is really stressful and more often than not you’re close to overwhelm.  You know this level of stress is having a negative impact on your health.  It feels like it has overtaken your life and sometimes, you...


  The USA celebrates Thanksgiving in two weeks, and while you may not celebrate this holiday in your corner of the globe, it serves to remind all of us of the value and benefits of practicing gratitude, both for ourselves and for those around us.   Heal Your...
Light Expansion Meditation

Light Expansion Meditation

  When you’re feeling angry or overwhelmed and wonder how you can possibly hold everything together any longer, this beautiful meditation with its focus on forgiveness will refine your vibration and bring you peace.   Set aside 40 minutes, find a quiet...
Are You Hiding?

Are You Hiding?

  “Having perfected our disguise, we spend our lives searching for someone we don’t fool.” ~ Robert Brault   Authentic connection is vital for our health and wellbeing.  How about you?  Are you wearing masks in your relationships?  ...


  Are you missing out on the health benefits of tea? Research shows that Australians now drink more coffee than tea.  In the process they’re missing a golden opportunity to down a beverage which packs an incredible health punch. Tea is more than a tasty, soothing...
Intuition Is Higher Intelligence

Intuition Is Higher Intelligence

  Intuition is an expanded intelligence, and our ability to use this together with perception allows us to find solutions to problems we might be having in any area of our life.  When it serves us we’re able to come up with innovative new ideas that nobody’s ever...