“Having perfected our disguise, we spend our lives searching

for someone we don’t fool.”

~ Robert Brault


Authentic connection is vital for our health and wellbeing.  How about you?  Are you wearing masks in your relationships?


Here are 4 ways to check how authentic you are being:

1. What’s my voice doing?  When we’re not being ourselves, we tend to use a high voice.  We’re not projecting from our belly and chances are everything below the neck is starved of breath.  Are you talking super-fast?  Another sign of discomfort.


2. What’s my body doing?  Am I clenching my butt, my hands or my jaw?  Our bodies are billions of cells firing at once and those cells can’t be fooled.  Tension in your being is picked up instantly by your body.  Do a body scan.


3. How am I breathing?  Shallow breathing in the chest area and vs the belly will not only change your voice, it’s also a signal of fear, nervousness and playing the game of inauthenticity.


4. Am I in the present moment or am I being hyper-vigilant?  When we’re feeling safe and authentically in the moment, we relax and respond naturally to what’s showing up.  When we’re not, we’re hyper-vigilant watching others for signs that we’re accepted and okay.