Today’s New Moon in Aquarius is particularly powerful as it also heralds in
the Lunar New Year, a time of new beginnings.  In many cultures this is a time
for clearing out clutter, in the home, in our mind, and in our life.


But with a hotch-potch of other influences this New Moon may leave you feeling somewhat unsettled and wondering which direction to go.  .

With Mercury still in retrograde, it is an excellent time to take a thought detox and clear out old, outdated patterns of thought.  It is the perfect time to spend time in stillness and reflection.  After your mind detox, when Mercury turns direct in a few days you may find a flood of new ideas.

Saturn is involved with this New Moon, and so we once again see the oscillation between two poles, as freewheeling Aquarius wants to sweep away the existing order but is constrained by Capricorn wanting everything to stay just as it is, and always has been.

Saturn calls on us to take responsibility and to own our actions.  It demands we align our actions and our words with what we truly want.  Saturn often brings a reality check, but if we acknowledge what confronts us, own it and take responsibility, Saturn can help us to bring focus to the chaotic energy of Aquarius.  We can then create a stable foundation and strong structure to contain much growth and success.  Saturn can seem limiting because it often holds challenging lessons. But it you allow the lesson to emerge, Saturn energy can support you to navigate through.

Aquarius New Moon brings the energy of enquiry, of unexpected and innovative ideas, of moments of illumination.  Question how you could look at things with a new perspective.  Decide what beliefs hold you back and open yourself to receive intuitive guidance towards new options.  Accept any unexpected and seemingly weird ideas coming your way as these may be the key to dynamic awakening.

The energy today is about clearing your mind and opening to new perspectives.  It is time to think long-term and set goals that stretch into the future, and it’s a wonderful time to adopt an expansive, unconventional and inventive mindset.



Lunar New Year Of The Tiger


Today we also move into Lunar New Year, bringing the opportunity to harness the fierce courage of the Water Tiger to conquer our fears and chase our dreams. Tiger years allow us to access our inner power and use it to enhance our life, especially our career.  In order to achieve our goals under this energy we must exercise patience and align with our intuition so we can carefully time our calculated moves.

Tiger is a year to observe and re-assess our values, and to change our priorities if they are no longer in alignment with our true values. This is in perfect alignment with the Aquarius New Moon energy, which falls on this first day of the Lunar New Year with such perfect synchronicity.

If you do not completely trust and rely on your inner wisdom and your intuitive voice, this is the year to develop that trust and to allow intuition to guide you as you navigate the 3D world.

While many desire more stability as we continue to move through covid, the Water Tiger serves to remind us that we need to be able to move with the tide and adapt to shifting and unstable situations, as things around us continue to change.

Go within today and observe any limitations that need to be viewed differently, any which need to change or to go altogether, in order to begin the process of de-cluttering your mind.  Open yourself to the unexpected, the innovative, even the avant-garde.

As you set your intentions today draw on your intuition to guide you to create security through embodying adaptability, innovation, strength and courage.