Sacred Home

Bring Nature In

  Too cold and wet to walk in nature?  Bring the green indoors! Placing a plant or two around your home and...

Create A Perfumed Healing Garden

  For all my adult life I’ve wrestled over which is stronger - my longing to create a perfumed garden or my...

Purify Your Home…With Plants

  There’s nothing more disheartening than seeing little or no improvement in your health after making big...

Our Living Space

  Creating a powerful and personal Sacred Space, can be one of the most creative, joyful and expressive parts of...
Bring Nature In

Bring Nature In

  Too cold and wet to walk in nature?  Bring the green indoors! Placing a plant or two around your home and...

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Our Living Space

Our Living Space

  Creating a powerful and personal Sacred Space, can be one of the most creative, joyful and expressive parts of...

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