Do you buy beautiful things and then save them for special occasions?



And what happens to them?  Chances are, they get tucked away in the back of a cupboard somewhere, rarely used.  Or even never used, completely forgotten until you uncover them years later when you move house.


Why is it that something we bought with such joy and love becomes
relegated to the dark corners of our life?


There are many reasons why we save up the good china, or don’t wear the special dress.

It may be that we are actually waiting for that special day so we can mark it in a truly unique way.  But this means we are living in the future rather than living in the moment, marking each and every day as special.

Or it may even be because you live with a horde of would-be wrestler sons and it would be seriously foolish to put anything beautiful and fragile anywhere near them.

For many of us, while we love owning special beautiful things, we don’t use them because they are a huge trigger around our feelings of self-worth.  Deep down we feel we don’t deserve these gorgeous things.

But wherever this tendency to ‘save stuff for later’ comes from, it’s time to change this way of thinking.


We have spent so long in a state of restriction and deprivation, both physical and emotional.  We’ve done without, we’ve postponed our lives, and for the most part we’ve accepted it.

But it’s now time that we changed our thinking and claimed our worth.  It’s now time to appreciate  EVERY.  SINGLE.  DAY.  of our life.  It’s time we made every day and everything it contains, special.  It’s time we live every day to it’s fullest.  And that means cleaning out the cupboards, pulling out the good china and using it, every single day.


It’s time we made everyday a reflection of the life we want for ourselves.  It’s time we valued the detail of our life – the single day – and through doing this, to give our entire life greater worth.  It’s time to celebrate and create a more beautiful life.


Enjoy everyday.  Start living now. 

Don’t wait for that one special day that may never arrive.