Today is Solstice when we celebrate Winter in the Southern Hemisphere where nature is at its quietest, and Summer in the Northern Hemisphere with nature at its peak.  Over the past few days, the energy has been building as we and all of nature respond to the light of the Sun as it either reaches its depths or its peak.

Tonight’s Solstice offers us a moment of integration, where Heaven and Earth, time and eternity, Matter and Spirit align.  This meeting of energy and matter provides a conduit through which limitation, restriction and false thinking can be transformed and released so new awareness can begin to emerge.

This turning point guides us to slow down and go within.  The energies support our introspection to reflect on where we’re at, and whether our actions and dreams are aligned.  We can use this moment of confluence to make intentional decisions and conscious choices to carve our way forward.

Whether you are experiencing the Summer or Winter Solstice, whether it is time to release or create, this energetic turning point supports you to deliberately create opportunities for conscious transformation.

This energetic power point in the greater cycles, opens a powerful portal of time to disrupt your pattern of everyday living, and to redirect the trajectory of your life, in order to receive deep insights.  Take this Solstice moment to focus light on your pathway for the upcoming year.



Solstice Ritual


Just as the natural world responds to the energy and light at Solstice, we too can feel the energetic shifts if we tune in. So set aside time today or tomorrow to do this simple Solstice ritual where you connect with the Earth, Spirit and nature.


Retreat to somewhere quiet in nature where you can connect with these potent Solstice energies to harmoniously tune into the rhythm of the Earth.

Settle, relax and ground yourself with steady, deep breaths.  After a few breaths, take your awareness to your feet and notice their connection with the earth.  As you engage with that connection feel the energy rising from the Earth through the soles of your feet and travelling through your whole body.

Bring your awareness back to your breath.

As you maintain your connection with the Earth place your hand on your Heart Centre and become aware of your connection to Source.  As you merge with both Earth and Spirit notice the bridge you have created between the two, the rainbow bridge, and know that you ARE this bridge and that both Matter and Spirit reside within you.

As you continue to breathe deeply become conscious of the rhythm of your breath bringing gentle, restorative and healing energy to recharge you.

For a few more minutes just sit and enjoy the feeling of rejuvenation and renewal.



Solstice and the Pineal Gland


Within our physical body our pineal gland plays an important role at Solstice.  The pineal gland is associated with the Third Eye chakra and is considered the organ of universal connection and the seat of consciousness and it has the ability to help us awaken and transcend into a higher state of being.  It enables the intuitive Third Eye which receives cosmic energies through the Crown Chakra, to link the physical world to the spiritual and inter-dimensional realms beyond time.

This tiny gland is sensitive to light and darkness and is directly influenced by sunlight.  At Winter Solstice it helps awaken our dream state to activate our clairvoyant gifts and ignite our imagination.  At Summer Solstice the pineal gland supports our vital force.


Solstice Blessings  💙 💙