We have come to the end of Winter and now begin to move into Spring, a time of expansion and growth. Winter is a time to withdraw from the busy world to go deep within. It is quiet a time of incubation where our dreams, our thoughts, our plans can settle and take root, ready to burst forth, empowered by the energy of Spring.


The shift at the change of season is a meaningful time for reflection. As much as we love to look forward to what the new season might bring, it’s equally important to look backwards. This time of change is a perfect opportunity to review the chapter that is coming to a close.


It’s normal to feel impatient and eager to dive straight into the next chapter of our life experience. But if you continually face the future without reflecting on the path you’ve just travelled, you lose the opportunity to gain deep insight into yourself and to integrate the lessons carried within your experiences. When you don’t fully integrate the lessons of the challenging experiences and gain an understanding of any insight they may hold for your further growth, you remain stuck and unready to grow and expand in the months ahead.


This time at the end of winter is a liminal space when it might not fully feel like winter anymore, but it also doesn’t fully feel like spring. We’re in an in-between time, a time of transition. And it is the PERFECT time to look back on winter and reflect on the wisdom this season brought you.


Taking the time to do this kind of meaningful reflection allows you to move forward into Spring a bit wiser, a bit more evolved and better prepared to truly embrace the powerful and abundant growth energy about to flood into your life.




Questions to Ask Yourself at the End of Winter


These questions will help you gain insight into aspects of inner growth as well as challenges you need to address. Recording your responses in a journal will help you gain clarity and empower you as you move forward into the new season.


  • What inner wisdom did you gather on your journey inward this winter?
  • What did you learn about yourself after going within during Winter?
  • What challenged you this winter?
  • Where have you felt uncomfortable or out of sorts?
  • What lessons did you learn about yourself and about your life?
  • Where is it clear you are ready to grow?