By Sandy King


A close friend of mine introduced me to this incredible soup when our daughter was ill as a child. She just seemed unable to fight off the lingering aftereffects and weakness experienced while recovering from a virus. The turn-around was quick, and she was soon up and running around again. Since then, I have relied on this soup whenever friends or family mention not feeling well.

With the winter months looming in the Southern Hemisphere, I thought this might be a good time to share this recipe so that you have the opportunity to benefit from it. Everything is created from scratch (well, once the ingredients are purchased, of course). The freshness of even making the initial broth enhances all that we gain from legendary Chicken Soup.





1 Chicken (I use an organic, free range chicken)

1 small Onion, peeled and roughly chopped

1 Celery Stalk, roughly chopped

3 litres Water

1 cup White Rice

Salt and Pepper

1 Lemon squeezed (I usually add at least 2 lemons, because I love the tanginess the extra lemon adds)

3 Eggs





The Broth


Immune Boosting Chicken, Egg and Lemon Soup recipe


Rinse the chicken well and place into a large pot (I joint the chicken to release the delicious goodness contained in the bones.) Add the celery, onion and seasoning.

Cover with water. Bring to the boil and simmer until cooked through (skim off any foaming residue which might develop).

When done, use a slotted spoon to lift out the chicken, celery and onion. (I like to shred the chicken and use it to make chicken mayonnaise sandwiches or Chicken and veggie pie!)

Strain the stock (I don’t always strain the stock because I don’t mind if it is not clear). Return stock to the pot and put the pot back onto the stove plate/burner.

Bring the liquid to the boil. Add a cup of rice and cook until the rice is cooked.




The Egg and Lemon Mixture


Now it is time to make the Egg and Lemon mixture. This forms the basis of many Greek and Cypriot soups.


Break eggs into a bowl and beat or whisk until they are foamy and smooth.

Gradually beat in the lemon juice (add one lemon in this step, and add more, to your taste, once the making of the soup is completed).

Add 2 cups of boiling stock to the egg mixture, while beating (this helps to prevent the eggs from scrambling).

Pour into the soup and stir over a low hear for one or two minutes. Do not let it boil again, as this may curdle the eggs. Remove from the heat, and continue stirring for a minute, again, preventing the egg from setting and sticking to the pan. Adjust the seasoning and add more lemon if you choose.

Serve immediately.

I tend to keep any leftovers in an airtight container in the fridge for a few days, while enjoying this soup until I am well again. The rice absorbs the stock, so the soup does thicken. I usually add a little boiling water to my dish of soup when I am ready to warm it up. Discard any leftovers after 2 days.

Share and enjoy!

Contributor Sandy King is a Pellowah Practitioner and an Oracle Card and Runes reader, who works on an energy level to help others pave their path to understanding the apparent obstacles they face.  Her other passion is cooking.

Read about Sandy on our Contributor’s Page