Feeling a bit frisky? A bit ready to rock and roll? Well that would be the Beltane energy sneaking in.

Forget Halloween. We Southerners on the other side of the rock should be rejoicing the light not the dark.

Beltane is about fertility and passion and life. It’s a time to welcome the abundance of the fertile earth, and a day that has a long (and sometimes scandalous) history!

Many Australians celebrate Halloween. But those in tune with the cycles of nature will be celebrating Beltane instead – the Spring fertility festival. While Halloween traditionally celebrates the dying of the summer and the passage of the world into darkness and is a festival of autumn, Beltane marks the beginning of the summer months.

This fire festival is a time for feasting, bonfires, courtship and welcoming in the light. It’s a time to celebrate our own creativity and a wonderful festival for lovers!