At times you need to disconnect and create a bubble around yourself for a short while, just to give yourself the space and stillness to re-centre.

We’re living in a world in constant upheaval and it’s easy to be influenced by what’s going on around us.  If you are in a situation where you find that others are operating out of fear, defensiveness, ego, and short-term gain, remind yourself that you do not have to follow them.

Bringing attention to our breathing is a way to carve out a quiet moment for ourselves amid any external pressure.

The movement in our lungs takes our focus back around our heart center. Awareness of the quality of our breath—how deep, how slow, how steady—gives us a chance to choose calmness for our inner state.

Such moments are good for reminding ourselves that like lotus blossoms that bloom above muddy water, we can thrive amid negativity and “lower” energies if we know how to shake these off ourselves.

Let go of your need to control what is happening outside you and focus on controlling what goes on within.  You have control over your own state of mind.