February 1st and 2nd marks the harvest festival of Lammas or Lughnasadh for those of us here in the Southern Hemisphere. This festival celebrates the harvest of the bounty of summer. It is a time to give thanks and show your gratitude for what we have reaped in our life.
Whether you follow earth festivals or not, these two days are a good chance to review and celebrate what you’ve harvested in your own life over the last twelve months.
It’s hard to remember we’re already moving towards Autumn, but the cycles of the earth continually turn and we become more balanced when we turn in harmony with them. So take time to bring balance into your life by engaging with the energy of Lammas.
Actions for today supported by Lammas Energy:
☯ Declutter, throw out, give away
☯ Help out your neighbour
☯ Recycle, mulch, save water
☯ Start a savings plan (today’s energy will help you get started)
☯ Be generous – give something up and use the money to help someone